Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, January 20, 2014

School Starts

2nd semester....here I come! 

I wanted to make sure to include a post about my second semester at teaching at UCA. It has started off CRAZY! I'm going to remind myself here what I mean by that. I have never seen so many people not take care of their business when they should have! We have advanced registration for a reason...to register for the semester early so you can get the courses you NEED to graduate! I didn't have much time to work on my own courses for the amount of people we had to squeeze into classes, search for, and so on. There are some situations that I'm not referring to for example transfer students--I get that but the ones who are seniors and just simply NOT taking care of their business...goodness gracious. Enough of that rant and on to the exciting things!

This semester I am teaching a new course that I'm really nervous about. FACS 3372, Personal and Family Finance. This course was the MOST beneficial course I believe I took in school, which is why I'm nervous about having the responsibility of teaching it I think. I have great co-workers who have helped me SO MUCH so that I'm not completely starting from scratch. I just hope I can impact someones life in a positive manner through this course-it's beneficial for everyone.

I am also teaching FACS 3360-Consumer Problems in Clothing, which I had last semester but we've moved to a new edition of our book so it might as well be brand new! I have to say this is my favorite course because I love getting to talk and hear others opinions about fashion, marketing, and influences. It's so much fun and I'm thankful this is the last class I teach of the day, I definitely look forward to it.  The other course I'm teaching is FACS 3311-Resource Management. I had this one last semester and it went really well but I'm hoping to change a few things for the better this semester, but so far so good!

Along with those 3 courses, I'm also in the process of learning how to supervise the interns, teach a Senior Portfolio course, and provide an independent study, oh and advise!  This semester is sure to be busy and stressful, but I'm learning that I can handle it and to NOT stress because I just have to stay calm. I should mention that I'm also learning how to pack simple, quick snacks for lunch because my classes are all on Tuesday/Thursday back to back. I'm in the same room from 9:25 (class starts) to 1:30 (class ends)! I will survive and it'll be a great semester, my students already seem great! I know I'll have a sad post come May when we're done but for now-I just need to finish up blogging so I can go and work on lessons for the week!

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