Catching up continued..
Fall 2013-Teaching
Last semester was my very first semester of teaching and before I begin the new semester, I want to remember my very first one before it gets jumbled with this new one!
What I taught:
FACS 3311-Resource Management
FACS 3360- Consumer Probelms in Clothing
FACS 1370-Interior and Apparel Construction I
Every one of my classes last semester were pretty fabulous! I want to remember that feeling and passion I have of helping people learn forever so that I can make a difference! My sewing class was by far my favorite...even if you are not technically suppose to have favorites. There were only 12 in the class and that was pushing it as far as room goes, we became a little family that bonded and celebrated together. My favorite memory is from my birthday...they got a card and all signed it and brought in cookies to share with me! I loved them and how I got to see the progress and excitement come alive for something that not many people care about anymore.
Overall it was a great semester and I learned what to do and not to do...but there's always room for improvement and I plan on doing just that with my new semester!
Leah and Kevin are having a baby!!
My very best friend Leah (the one who got married a while ago) is having a baby this year! Here is how I found out...and I KNEW she was pregnant before she ever told me, guess that's why we're best friends!
Samuel Murphy
Last year, Sammy decided to give us a big scare! He got sick in June one evening and had us up all night worrying about him. We took him as soon as the vet opened that next morning, long story short, he had an inverted nipple that was infected! Who even knew that this could happen!? So we got that removed so now he's down to one :) During that time, we also got some of his bad teeth out so now he's a few teeth less but just as happy and doesn't miss a meal! Here are some pictures of his big outings for the last few months of the year.
His monkey costume for Halloween! He goes to work with Charles often and needed to participate in the festivities! |
Since he goes to "school" with his dad now (Charles' work) he had to have a backpack....and of course it had to have his name on it! His gramps and pawpaw sent this to him, with a blanket and treats as well! |
We got a Bass Pro Shop in Little Rock that allows pups to come and shop! Here is Sammy with his Dad in the fishing section. |
Casey and Jayson's Wedding!
This year, a very sweet friend and sister of mine got married! It was a beautiful wedding and fun reception. We wish them many years of happiness on their new journey in Houston!
This is what you get for taking this picture =) |
Photo booth fun with Jamie and Trey! |
Branch Out Painting
A very good friend asked me to go to Branch Out Paint Bar in Conway this fall. I've always wished I could paint just slightly and they made it possible! Here's my progress during our adventure.
Jamie is ENGAGED!
One of my very special friends and sisters is now engaged!! I'm so happy for them and can't wait until the big day this July!
Homecoming at UCA 2013
I couldn't update without a post from homecoming! It was terribly rainy and cold on the day but we
suffered enjoyed our day anyway with sweet friends Kraig and Anna, and of course precious Bell Ivy.
My 24th Birthday!
I can't believe I'm 24 already! Time is going by SO fast!! For my birthday this year, I was super blessed to spend it with the people I love! On my birthday, Charles got stuck in horrible traffic on his way back from work so I did a little shopping with little (Anna) at Bath and Body Works. After, we went and ate our absolute favorite (Charles made it for this) El Parion. The next day, Charles took me to Little Rock where we went and spent my gift card he gave me at Dillard's for new boots! We also ate at Pei Wei (another favorite) and went to the Oscar de la Renta exhibit at the Presidential Library. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time!
My parents also sent me flowers to my office for my birthday since they couldn't be here and they were beautiful!! I was completely surprised by this and enjoyed them for a while! I opened my other presents when I went home for Thanksgiving.
Pumpkin Carving

This year we were invited to a pumpkin carving party one Sunday afternoon at Erica and Lyndon's house! It was so much fun and we carved the cutest (in my opinion) pumpkins ever!
Christmas 2014
Finally! I've made it to Christmas, which means I'm not behind toooo much since it's just now January! This year was wonderful in terms of family, food, and friends at Christmas. Charles and I were very fortunate with some very nice presents! I must brag on him for getting me my dream mixer..without even asking for it!! He gave me a Kitchen Aid mixer that is Flamingo (or hot pink)! She's beautiful and yes, I named her Betty, after Betty Crocker! I'm just starting my journey to learning all of the wonderful things you can do with a mixer! He also gave me my very first piece of jewelry this year...and no it's not what everyone is thinking! A monogram initial ring that I've been wanting forever, only his was way better than the ones I've looked at. Just for memory sake, I got him a Go Pro Hero 3+ Black edition camera (all of those things matter when shopping for it). Funny story, when you're looking for the "black edition" it's really not black, it's still silver! This year for decorations, I went a little more shabby chic with burlap and chevron (2 of my favorites). At my parents house, we ate steak, potatoes, salad, and rolls for dinner and it was just delicious. After we ate and rested for a bit, we played Just Dance 2014 and nobody was excluded, everyone had to dance!! It was a great Christmas and holiday season spent with so many wonderful people!

Charles completely spoiled me this year by sending flowers to my office the week of finals at work. They were to congratulate me on my first semester of teaching and help me to get to Christmas break! |
Christmas Pictures! |
May your new year be merry and bright!! It's been a great year 2013 and I'm looking forward to the next. |